Leadership behaviours

Leadership behaviours embracing New Normal
Take stock of changing behaviours in the best leaders 

We are given access to a lot of leaders in change and it’s a brilliant way to get to know a person and an organisation very quickly.  Recognising where people are naturally engaged and energised gives us great insight into the prospects of any business initiative.  

Here’s five ‘people balance’ trends we’ve noticed this summer:

  1. Colleagues are increasingly putting a higher value on being seen as an individual and want leaders that ‘put people first’

  2. With so much going on, and so much complexity and ambiguity, giving clear and consistent objectives to teams is an easy thing to let slip (and often goes unnoticed at the top)

  3. Leaders want to manage by consensus but some more difficult decisions are easily ‘forgotten’ and do need to be more vigorously pursued to close them out

  4. Leaders who literally ‘lead from the front’ and charge across the ‘battle zone’ (perhaps with false urgency) needs to take their troops with them (hearts and minds)

  5. In this hybrid world its often easier for leaders to manage ‘up the line’ than it is down or across all their constituent teams

We all need to focus on individual’s strengths and develop actions that build upon those strengths and maximise their impact within the organisation. Recognising those strengths and focusing on what’s truly important is the sign of a great leader. For more information, talk to Peter Mayer, Pelicam’s Managing Partner on +44 (0)7974084333 or email p.mayer@pelicam.com


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